The United States of Akrasia
This world has reached a new point of moral decline.....
Perusing craigslist I decided to visit the "men seeking women" section. In case you didn't know this is where the world's socially inept degenerates congregate on the internet to create a forum where desperate individuals may meet other desperate individuals in hopes of engaging in debauchery. These men are simply pathetic. Well, I looked at one profile and it had an advertisement for the following:
Yeah, look again. That's what it is. It's a dating service that brings "interested" individuals together; namely a sugar daddy/mommy and a sugar baby (male/female). What ensues cannot be interpreted in any other way than legal prostitution.
Here is my favorite part of the advertisement:
It's Natural:
Let's face it... It's human nature for older men to want the younger and more attractive women. It's also natural for younger women to seek out men who are successful, specifically those who have the means of providing a woman with comforts and luxuries.
While some society may have laid down a set of unsaid rules about extra-Marital affairs or pre-Marital sex, who is to say what is "right" or "wrong"? In the past, Kings, Shahs and Emperors have had multiple lovers or concubines. It is human instinct to be attracted to beauty, as it is to be attracted to wealth and power. Remember, that life is short and you only live once... So, why not explore what it may be like to find an ideal arrangement today.
I'm convinced. Who IS to say that anything is right or wrong? I mean, in the past, Kings, Shahs and Emperors have had sexual relations with young children and their nuclear family. Who are you to judge? It's natural!
Well, seeing this, what do you suppose I did? That's right, I joined it to see what sort of people actually try to obtain a "sugar baby." During the membership process they ask you what you are looking to be: a sugar daddy/mommy or sugar baby male/female. I chose to become a sugar baby male. They then ask you to confirm your decision with the following:

I chose "Yes. This is what I look like"
Well, once was in I began the searches. And I'll tell you I saw some pretty disturbing things. Here is one of the more frightening ads:
We've got a 66 year old "fatty" looking for a "young hottie." She also describes herself as a "heavy drinker and heavy smoker." Brilliant. Good luck to you Nora.
Note the "budget" description. This is how much the "sugar mommy" is willing to give to their "sugar baby" each month for their "services." Suffice it to say that's some expensive "conversation."
But it has to get better, right? It sure does!
I rejoined, but this time as a "sugar daddy."

Smoking cigars and looking like a pedophile is apparently a prerequisite to acquiring the status of "sugar daddy."
So, here are where the true gems are:
Hey! She doesn't sound so bad, I mean come on! Her name is "Sexy Steph."
Say hello to Sexy Steph:

Yeah, that's no joke ladies and gentleman. And that is not a man. But He-man's information page gets really interesting:
Drinking Habit: Social Drinker
Description: I am 35 mwf, looking for a man to spoil and pamper me, who knows how to live life to it's fullest extent, and a man that's looking for a woman for what she's about on the inside instead of the outside, someone who's true and not a game player.
Arrangement I'm Seeking
I'm Seeking: Sugar Daddy
I Expect: Open - Amount Negotiable
Description: I am looking for a sugar daddy who is willing to travel to see me, and also someone who is willing to buy me anything i want and need.
So, Jabba here is married, has children, and is looking to trade sex for money. She also wants someone to travel to see her. I don't even want to get into the example she's setting for her kids by taking pictures with them in her lap to entice "sugar daddies" to engage into legal prostitution with her but WHAT THE FUCK? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that maybe, just maybe, she's shooting a little high.
And the final jewel of my eye: Sugar Baby - F.

Hey, she's actually pretty attractive! I mean, I would totally pay her for legal prostitution if I were that kind of immoral, unscrupulous, disgusting, morally repugnant, misogynistic man-whore. No lie, mom! But her profile is what's most interesting:
Yes, you sure do have high hopes for your future. And you're starting off very nicely by selling your body for sexual favors. You're going to do great things Sugar Baby - F. I just know it.
This world and its people disgust me. This website is the quintessential illustration of why we're all doomed. But my point is a little more relevant than that we're headed in a poor direction. I'm not naive enough to suggest that these "arrangements" haven't been around for centuries. So why the big fuss?
The concern that I have is that while many men paid for sex in the 1950's it was still socially unacceptable to do so. As our society slowly becomes more PC and our morals decline rapidly these actions are becoming more socially acceptable. Can you imagine the uproar there would have been in the 1950's if there were an advertisement on a popular magazine for "Seeking Arrangement Inc.?"
This may not be the tipping point for our akratic society but it can only get worse from here. I see no sign of amelioration.
I would love nothing more than to say that I'm shocked, but I'm just not.
Perhaps disappointed in the ability of some of these sad specimins to delude themselves, but then again, I learned long ago that there are no limits to mankind's ability to delude themselves.
This is a perfect example of what I would call "instant-fix" culture, and this is by no means limited to the inhabitants of America. We live in a time where EVERYTHING that's wrong is supposed to be fixed with a phone call, a pill, a surgery, a wrist band or a posting on Craigslist. In "Jabba" here, what we have is a fat, ugly, disguisitng whore who expects all of her problems to be solved instantly with one fell swoop and the only difference between "Sexy Steph" and "Sugar Baby" is about 10 years, 120 lbs., and a toddler (is that supposed to anticing to a potential "sugar daddy?")
No, I'm by no means shocked, just depressed at the re-visiting of the truth I already knew.
By the way Zach, you are totally a Sugar Baby (M). (except without the (M))